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Classic and Vintage Car Photography
Calvert’s UK studios provide the ideal environment for classic car photography. At its core, all automotive photography has to get around the difficulty that cars are large, reflective objects which can make them hard to photograph in a way that shows them off for the spectacular works they are. But these difficulties are part of the joy of getting your classic car shots just right and can open up many doors for creating visual excitement. At our photography studios for hire, not only will you have the exact space and lighting that you require to ensure your classic cars can look their best, but we have a dedicated team of in-house professionals who have seen and done it all when it comes to car photography. They are there to help you get around the inherent difficulties involved in photographing classic automobiles to ensure the best possible results.
A style and mood should be created that best reflects the personality of the vehicle. Some cars have a more sculptured look, which favours a more aggressive photography style, whereas others have a very different feel for which you might want a softer, more graceful look to showcase the car’s elegance and beauty. It is about experimenting to discover what works best for you and the car. Either way, our team at Calvert Studios includes lighting specialists and assistants who will help you to achieve that perfect look. There is even a team of award-winning photographers on hand, whose expertise you might like to take advantage of for your classic car shoot. Whether you are looking to produce commercial photography to sell on your classic car collection or are looking for studio time to produce magazine/publication quality images, we are certain your time at Calvert Studios will produce the high-quality result you need.
By renting our UK studios, you will have access to the perfect space, expertise and lighting so that the best vintage car photography possible can be produced. You will also, if required, have our dedicated team of professionals on hand to assist you who have seen and done it all over the years where vehicle photography is concerned. It is about experimenting to discover what works best for you, your car, and the intended purpose of the photography.